Welcome Aboard the All Rise AI Revolution – Where Innovation Meets Efficiency!

You're officially part of the All Rise AI family! 🌟 This is the first step in our onboarding process. Please provide the necessary legal information so we can tailor your system perfectly for you. Once completed, you’ll be guided to the next stage, where we gather insights about your company to customize your software experience.

In This First Stage, We Need Information To Setup Your Account & Register For Telcom.

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What is the legal name of your business?


  • This must be the legal name of your business that is filed with your state's corporation commission and the IRS.

  • If your business is an LLC, you must include the LLC at the end of the name.

  • This is very important that you give us the full and complete legal business name. Otherwise there will be issues registering your account.

What is a friendly business name for your company?


  • This could be your DBA name if you have one.

  • This does not need to include the type of corporation. So does not need to include LLC etc.

  • This is pretty much just a name you want use to use when referencing your company internally or the name to use when our AI is talking with your prospects.

What is a general email for your business?


  • This is for when we register for A2P to give you the ability to send text messages.

  • This could be the owner's email, or potentially your company's admin or info email.

What is a general phone number for your business?


  • This is for when we register for A2P to give you the ability to send text messages.

  • This should be the company phone number. The main line that is listed on the internet.

  • If you don't have a business number yet, or the number isn't listed anywhere, you can use the owner's phone number.

What type of business did you register with the state as?


  • This needs to be exactly how you registered your business with the state.

  • Co-operative

  • Corporation

  • Limited Liability Company Or Sole-Proprietorship

  • Non-Profit Corporation

  • Partnership

What industry is your business considered to be in?


  • You may only choose one industry.

  • Please choose the closest industry your business is in.

  • This is simply for registration purposes, and you will have a chance to let us know later in the onboarding process the specific industry you're in.

  • You must choose one of the following. There are no other options.

What is your Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Business Number (BN)?


  • In order to register, you must provide us with your EIN (for U.S. residents) or your BN (for Canadian residents) to have the ability to make phone calls and send text messages.

  • Please format your EIN with the dash after the second digit (EXAMPLE: 00-0000000) and your BN in the format XXXXXXXXX

  • You can typically find this number on the letter the IRS or CRA sent when you registered your EIN or BN, documents that were submitted to the bank when opening the account, previous years' tax returns, or other licensing documents that require your EIN or BN.

  • Trying to reach the IRS or CRA to have them send your number again could be lengthy, so we recommend trying to find it in other places prior to relying on them to send it.

What is the contact information of the person that is authorized to register telcom for your business?


  • This is typically the owner's information.

  • It can be another person in the company that handles all accounts and registrations.

  • We will not be contacting this person.

  • Choose the closest job position, or other.

What is the legal address of your business?


  • This should be the address that was registered with the state and IRS.

  • If you have more than one location or address, be sure to place the one that was registered with the state.

  • This is to ensure a smooth registration process.


How many employees does your business have?


  • We need this information for the sole purpose of registering with the telco services.

  • This helps when we register your numbers so we can estimate the amount of calls made.

  • This registration ensures numbers show up properly when making calls.

Does your company send less than or more than 6,000 text messages per day?


  • When we register your A2P campaigns with the telco company, we need to know whether you plan to send less than 6,000 text messages per day or more than 6,000 text messages per day.

  • While it is easy to just say let's do over 6,000. If your company typically sends much less than 6,000 text messages per day, it is highly recommended to select less than 6,000 text messages per day.

What is the website of your business?


  • If you have a website, please list the site here.

  • If you do not have a website yet, this field is optional, so you can skip it.

What are your top 3 desired area codes?


  • What is the area code you want us to use when purchasing phone numbers?

  • If for any out of this world reason this area code is not available, we will try getting your second or third desired area code.

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